"Vorsprung durch Technik, auch nach 30 Jahren Kraulschwimmen kann man noch dazulernen!"

Judith - SchwimmMonster

"'My son loved the lessons and started to love swimming as a result!"

Victoria – Mutter

"Schwimm- und Sprachunterricht in Einem - c’est vraiment génial!"

Dorian - ProMonster

"Wann ist wieder Mittwoch, damit ich wieder schwimmen kann?"

Laure - MaxiMonster

"C'est bien parce que on apprend en s'amusant!"

Julian - ProMonster

"Ich finde es toll ein Maxi-Monster zu sein. Der Unterricht und die Spiele machen viel Spaß!"

Julia - MaxiMonster

"Le cours est ludique. L'ambiance est sympathique. On n'est pas très nombreux, c'est un avantage."

Martin -ProMonster

"Am liebsten schwimme ich Kraul, da ist man schön schnell!"

Séraphine – MaxiMonster

About me

I am Melanie Ragot and I have founded in 2011 with a lot of love and passion for water the SchwimmMonster Club®!

(Swimming courses in Gerresheim in German, English and French)

My experience

… consists of thirteen years of competitive swimming in Germany and the United States as well as eight years as a coach of children’s swimming courses from beginner to competitive level swimmers. I was working as a swimming teacher for the project "Schwimmen macht Schule" where I taught primary school children in Duesseldorf and I coached adults from a local scuba diving and a swimming club. From September 2013 until July 2015 I was working for the French School as a swimming teacher. I am currently coaching a competitive team in a local swimming club for children from 7-11 years.

Today, I am a master swimmer, triathlete, IRONMAN®, diver and a mother of two "SchwimmMonsters".

In creating the "SchwimmMonster Club®" I’ve turned my passion for swimming in to my profession!

My qualifications

  • Qualified coach with license for swimming and scuba diving
  • Qualified coach with license for "Swimming for beginners"
  • Qualified coach with license for sports in general
  • Lifeguard license in silver (DLRG Rettungsschwimmer Silber)

My further educations

I do regular further educations to improve my trainer skills. I like to learn about methods of swim training and teachning from other countries. I participated in 2013 in a swimming seminar in Dinard (France) with the animation of Raymond Catteau and his team. You can read (sorry, so far only in German) about this fascinating seminar: Seminarbericht. The method of swimming teaching was so convincing for me that I participated again in 2014 at the yearly held seminar in Dinard. Here some impressions of the 2014 Seminar: Bericht. 

2010, 2012, 2014 and 2017  Expert conference "Schwimmen Lernen" in Cologne

2017 Participation at educations about cooperation school and clubs, swimming in diving training and diving medicine at VDST (German Scuba Diving Association)

2015 Participation at Introduction to the four swimming techniques at Swimpool NRW (Swimming Association in NRW)

2014  Participation at Swimming Seminar Raymond Catteau in Dinard/Frankreich (1,5 W.); Special course Apnoe Diving 1; Training Butterfly and Breastroke swimming

2013  Participation at Swimming Seminar Raymond Catteau in Dinard/Frankreich (1 Woche)

2012 Expert conference "Scuba Diving"

2011  Special cours scuba diving: training methods

Continuing education in lifeguarding and first-aid.

My achievements in sports

  • FINA Master Worldchampionships in Swimming
    2012: 800m Freestyle (28.)
  • LEN Master Europeanchampionships in Swimming
    2013: 200m Breast (7th), 100m Butterfly (9th), 200m Freestyle (13th), 400m Freestyle (16th), 3k open water (12th)
  • German Team Champions in Swimming
    1989, 1990, 1991
  • German Age Group Chamion or Vice Champion
    2015: 200m Breaststroke (1st); 2016: Sprint Triathlon (2nd)
  • German Youth Champion in Swimming
    800m Freestyle; 400m I.M.
  • ETU European Championchip
    2015: Aquathlon 5th Age Group (acceptance in triathlon age group national team); 2017: Sprint Triathlon 15th Age Group
  • Results of German Championchips
    400m & 200m I.M. (10th/13th); 200m Butterfly (11th); Olympic Triathlon 2011 (9th age group); 800m Freestyle Masters 2012 (9th age group); 2,5K Open Water Swimming 2014 (7th age group); Sprint Triathlon 2018 (4th age group)
  • NRW-Championchip Masters
    100m Butterfly (2.); 200m Freestyle (3.) - I swim with a white swim cap; 2018: Swim and Run (2nd)
  • Others
    Scholarship from the swimming team of the Eastern Michigan University 1995-1997; Swim & Run HD Relay Cologne 2011 (2nd); Smart Triathlon Women Cologne 2011 (14th); Swim & Run LD Relay Cologne 2012 (4th); Düsseldorf Sprint Triathlon 2012 (11th); Smart Triathlon Women Cologne 2012 (12th/1st age group); Düsseldorf Olympic Triathlon 2013 (25th); Swim and Run Cologne 2014 (1st Age Group); Swim & Run Köln Volksdistanz 2015 (3. Frau / 1. AK); Hamburg Triathlon Olympisch 2015 (22. Frau / 7. AK); U-See Schwimmen 2015 2km (2.); Swim & Run Köln 6km Langstreckenschwimmen 2016 (2. Frau, 1. AK); Swim & Run Köln Langdistanz 2017 (5. Frau/ 1. AK); IRONMAN Hamburg 2017 (19. AK); U-See Schwimmen 2017 (1. Frau); SwimRun Urban Challenge (1. Platz Mixed Team); Swim and Run Köln Langdistanz (1. AK)