"SchwimmMonster" love to be in and under the water!

Welcome at SchwimmMonster Club®

At SchwimmMonster Club® your child discovers water and its properties from the age of four years on. He/she learns the basics skills of immersion, breathing, floating, gliding, jumping  - and the first child-oriented movements in water. The goal is to enable your child  to react appropriately to various situations in the water with a variety of movements and that he/she develops the pleasure of swimming.

I offer swimming courses for beginners as well as courses for swimmers who want to improve their technique.

I would be happy to welcome your child to one of my next SchwimmMonster courses. To register please click here.

Yours, Melanie Ragot

The advantages:

  • Small groups with individual supervision
  • Four levels (Mini, Midi, Maxi and ProMonster)
  • Coaching possible in different languages (German, English, French)
  • Personalised progress booklet - SchwimmMonster Buch - for every child
  • Relaxed athmosphere in exclusively rented pools

Startseitenteaser 1


Liebe Eltern, die Schwimmhalle in Gerresheim, in der ich jahrelang viele Kinder auf ihrem Weg zum Schwimmer begleitet habe, wurde endgültig geschlossen. Durch die Pandemie-Situation war es in 2020 leider nicht möglich an neue Wasserzeiten in anderen Schwimmbädern zu kommen und aktuell sind wieder alle Schwimmbäder geschlossen. In dieser Zeit habe ich mich verstärkt auf die Arbeit als Trainerin im Wettkampfsport in einem lokalen Schwimmverein konzentriert. Ich habe mich deshalb entschieden, meine Aktivitäten im SchwimmMonster Club dauerhaft ruhen zu lassen. Ich hatte eine wunderschöne Zeit mit allen SchwimmMonstern und ihren Familien. Vielen Dank! Herzliche Grüße, Melanie Ragot

Dear parents, the indoor swimming pool in Gerresheim, where I accompanied many children on their way to become a swimmer for years, has been closed for good. Due to the pandemic situation, it was unfortunately not possible to get time slots allocated in other swimming pools in 2020 and all swimming pools are currently closed again. During this time, I concentrated more and more on my work as a competitive sports coach in a local swimming club. I have therefore decided to put my activities in the SchwimmMonster Club on hold. I had a wonderful time with all SchwimmMonsters and their families. Many Thanks! Kind regards, Melanie Ragot